Stop Mining

<aside> 💡 If your miner is not mining, please go to step 2.


  1. Refer to this link to stop mining.

  2. Wait until the end of the current mining period (1 hour per mining period). If you stop the miner too early, you may get slashed.

  3. Run the following commands:

    docker kill phala-phost
    docker kill phala-pruntime
    docker kill phala-node
    sudo docker image prune -a *# type `y` to confirm the deletion*

Reset Docker Containers

  1. sudo rm -rf /PATH/TO/YOUR/phala-node-data

  2. Type commands as follows

    sudo docker pull jasl123/phala-poc3-node
    sudo docker pull jasl123/phala-poc3-pruntime
    sudo docker pull jasl123/phala-poc3-phost
  3. Type commands as follows:

    *# start the full node
    sudo docker run -ti --rm --name phala-node -d -e NODE_NAME=YOUR_NODE_NAME -p 9933:9933 -p 9944:9944 -p 30333:30333 -v $HOME/phala-node-data:/root/data jasl123/phala-poc3-node
    # start pRuntime
    sudo docker run -d -ti --rm --name phala-pruntime -p 8000:8000 -v $HOME/phala-pruntime-data:/root/data --device /dev/isgx jasl123/phala-poc3-pruntime
    # start the bridge (wait for 30s after started the full node and pRuntime)
    sudo docker run -d -ti --rm --name phala-phost -e PRUNTIME_ENDPOINT="<http://IP-ADDRESS:8000>" -e PHALA_NODE_WS_ENDPOINT="ws://IP-ADDRESS:9944" -e MNEMONIC="THE-MNEMONIC-OF-YOUR-CONTROLLER" -e EXTRA_OPTS="-r" jasl123/phala-poc3-phost*

Restart Mining

Refer to 3.2 Start Mining